Friday Steals!

It is Friday! Thank goodness! This weekend is a big St. Patrick's day event, so I will have to find the perfect green shade to complement my beer! Hopefully I will have some time to swatch it and get some pictures for you guys asap! In the meantime, I found some more awesome coupons! This one is good for just a short time:



Save 15.0% on select products from PJYU with promo code 15QRAFT4, through 3/8 while supplies last.a chain link fence

I hate it when I realize I missed a teeny chin hair! This gadget should keep any peach fuzz in check!

I found a great deal on face cream too!

a chain link fencea chain link fence

Save 50.0% on select products from Era Organics with promo code 50VITCCREAM, through 3/8 while supplies last.a chain link fence

I absolutely love that you can easily see (and pronounce!) all the ingredients on the package. I have super sensitive skin and am always hesitant to try a new product if I don't know what's in it! With these two great deals, you will be glowing in no time!


Friday Steals!